Friday, January 25, 2013


    Art exhibition "Sous influences in La Maison Rouge, Paris by
    © Carsten Holler, Swinging corridor, 2005-2012,

          La Maison Rouge  (Paris) is hosting an collective exhibition from 15th February to 19th May. This is “Sous influences” about the impacts, in some artists, have had the phychotropics. The continuing complexity of its effect and the impact in their work, will have an interesting discussion about the influence of drugs on the Art and society. A present hot topic that is always present, but not so much it should. Apart from this, a visit to this interesting exhibition, it is the best occasion to get a close look the work of artists all disciplines. And not only the contemporary scene. Essential figures as Baudelaire, Basquiat, Larry Clark, Nan Goldin, Jean Cocteau, Damien Hirst, Yayoi Kusama, Takashi Murakami, and many others.

          La Maison Rouge (Paris) presenta del 15 de Febrero al 19 de Mayo, la exposición colectiva, “Sous influences” que gira en torno a los efectos, que en algunos artistas, han tenido las sustancias psicotrópicas. La constante complejidad de sus efectos y los efectos en su obra, permitirá entablar un interesante debate acerca de la influencia de las drogas en el arte y en la sociedad. Un tema candente que siempre está presente pero no tanto como debería. Al margen de esto, la visita a esta interesante exposición merecerá la pena para ver de cerca las obras de artistas de todas las disciplinas. Y no sólo de la escena contemporánea. Nombres imprescindibles como Baudelaire, Basquiat, Larry Clark, Nan Goldin, Jean Cocteau, Damien Hirst, Yayoi Kusama, Takashi Murakami y muchos otros.
    Art exhibition "Sous influences in La Maison Rouge, Paris by
    © Antonin Artaud, autoportrait, 1949,
    Art exhibition "Sous influences in La Maison Rouge, Paris by
    © Fred Tomaselli, Gravity's Rainbow Small, 1998,
    Art exhibition "Sous influences in La Maison Rouge, Paris by
    © Jeanne Sus Plugas, L'Aspirine c'est le champagne du matin,
    Art exhibition "Sous influences in La Maison Rouge, Paris by
    © Francois Michel, Affiche,
    "Sous influences" exposition will take place in "La Maison Rouge", 10 boulevard de la bastille (Paris) from 15th February to 19th May.

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